Mr. Pawan Agrawal
Welcome to the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development UP, dedicated to building entrepreneurial capacity in individuals, organizations and society through comprehensive approaches and interventions. Renowned for its commitment and expertise for developing entrepreneursand facilitating enterprise promotion, this Institute is involved in developing new approaches and modules of development programs in view of present-day environment. The Institute is also recognized as Center of Excellence in the field of entrepreneurship and human resource development.
Training has been one of the most practiced approaches at the institute for capacity building of the people. Awareness creation among communities, enterprises, organizations and individual consultancy are the methodologies to facilitate the development processes in the state. Research , Monitoring and Evaluations by the institutes help it to serve the entrepreneurs and government in planning and promotion of enterprises and accelerating the process of socio economic development.
We invite you to get to know our people and programs by browsing our website—or joining us. We welcome relationships with experts and consultants from diverse disciplines, and organizations who carry the zeal and commitment to make this society more enterprising and make this world a better place. We are grateful to our promoters, sponsoring agencies and partner organizations, for supporting initiatives of the Institute and enriching our interventions.